The aim of Access2sea Pilot Action 5 is to minimize the waste of unconsumed fish feed and reduce the operational costs, by developing a simulation model based on experimental data on some of the regulatory mechanisms of feed intake as a tool for providing information and guidance for the aquaculture stakeholders to minimize waste and reduce production costs.
This tool is the result of an experimental work carried out, planning and executing three fish trials aimed to gather experimental data to ultimately support the development, fitting and validation of a numerical model, foreseeing an optimization of fish intake accordingly to fish weight, water temperature and salinity.
The results of all trials produced a final dataset, subjected to data analysis methodologies, which was finally used to produce the tool that is presented here after:
This pilot is online working and available at: CLICK HERE
There are some system and software requirements, such as: 1) framework Microsoft .NET version 4.6.1 or higher; 2) browser – Internet Explorer; 3) Windows 10 – suggested Operative System.
At the Audio-Visual material Section – Action 5, there are a couple of videos available to guide the user throughout the tool.
The tool needs some credentials to access, which can be requested by contacting the researcher in-chaged of the pilot at CIIMAR, Rodrigo Ozorio.
Pilot results are visualised in a dashboard, created in PowerBI (powered by Microsoft©).
Developed by CIIMAR