“Cluster Algue” in Brest: an exciting concept to promote the Algae sector

The « Cluster Algue » is an exciting concept developed in Brest (France) to promote the algae sector.

In 2018, «Le Pays de Brest », an organisation aimed at supporting the economic development in Brest’s area, created “Le cluster Algues” to support the algae sector to grow. This initiative is part of the economic development process of the “Campus Mondial de la Mer” which is an organisation that promote innovation in the marine sector in western Brittany (France).

With a unique algae biomass by its quality, diversity and quantity, the presence of a large quantity of innovative business, universities and research centers that work on the marine sector, Brest and its surrounding has huge potential to develop the algae sector.

This cluster enables the different stakeholders of the algae sector to work together (producers, research, public…). Algae cluster’s main objectives are:

  • To strengthen R&D and transfer to algae’s businesses.
  • To structure algae supply to make it efficient and sustainable.
  • To develop synergies and cooperation to stimulate the local algae sector.


Find more information about the Algae Cluster (French): https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/Nos-outils-Cluster-Algues-2976-21-0-0.html

Find more about the « Campus Mondial de la Mer » (English): https://www.campusmer.fr/Overview-3576-0-0-0.html


On April 1, 2020, the Andalusian Government has opened a call with the aim of subsidizing investments for the Marketing and Promotion of new markets for fishery and aquaculture products and the incentive of investments in the transformation and marketing sectors. This call is intended for the fishing – aquaculture sector in the Andalusian geographical area.

Objeto de la Convocatoria: Apoyar las inversiones en las medidas de Comercialización y Promoción y búsqueda de nuevos mercados de los productos de la pesca y la acuicultura, para contribuir a la mejora de la organización de mercados de los productos de la pesca y la acuicultura y la incentivación de las inversiones en los sectores de transformación y comercialización.

Tipo de Ayuda: Subvención a fondo perdido

Organismo Gestor: Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible.


  • Línea 1: Las personas físicas y jurídicas, comunidades de bienes o cualquier otro tipo de unidad económica o patrimonio que carezca de personalidad jurídica, que ejerzan y asuman las actividades de comercialización de productos de la pesca y la acuicultura en Andalucía y sean responsables finales de las inversiones.
  • Línea 2: Las entidades sin ánimo de lucro representativas del sector extractivo y comercial pesquero y de la acuicultura. Cofradías de pescadores y sus Federaciones.


Procedimiento de Concesión: Concurrencia competitiva

Ámbito Geográfico: Andalucía

Cuantía / Intensidad de la Ayuda: La intensidad de la ayuda alcanzará el 50% del total del gasto subvencionable.

Actividades Subvencionables: Especificadas en el anexo de las bases de la convocatoria para cada una de las líneas de ayuda:

  • Medidas de comercialización de los productos de la pesca y la acuicultura.
  • Medidas de promoción y búsqueda de nuevos mercados de los productos de la pesca y la acuicultura.


Las personas físicas, jurídicas, comunidades de bienes o cualquier otro tipo de unidad económica o patrimonio que carezca de personalidad jurídica, que ejerzan y asuman las actividades de comercialización de productos de la pesca y la acuicultura en Andalucía y sean responsables finales de las inversiones.

Además de los requisitos generales establecidos en la presente orden, los beneficiarios deberán acreditar contar con la solvencia financiera suficiente para acometer la inversión pretendida, que las inversiones no hayan comenzado antes de la presentación de la solicitud conforme al apartado 5.e) de la Orden y que no se encuentran en algunas de las circunstancias del apartado 4.c).

Enlace Sitio Web: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/organismos/agriculturapescaydesarrollorural/areas/pesca-acuicultura/ayudas-pesqueras/paginas/ayudas-fondo-europeo-maritimo-pesquero.html

EAStalk webinar – Javier Ojeda – “The role of Aquaculture Advisory Council”

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is organising a series of free webinars (EAStalk). The next one, which will take place next Tuesday April 7th at 14:00 (CET) will be presented by Javier Ojeda.

Javier Ojeda is General secretary of the Spanish Aquaculture Farmers Association (APROMAR). He is also Vice president of the Spanish Technology Platform for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PTEPA), Counsellor at the Spanish Economic and Social Council and Chair in the Spanish Standardisation Bureau on aquaculture. From these positions he contributes at a national level promoting responsible aquaculture in front of public authorities, policy makers, trade unions, media, NGOs and researchers. Javier is also deeply involved at international level.

For further information and to register for the webinar, please visit the event page here.

Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) recommendations for sustainable development of EU aquaculture

The AAC gave a second recommendation to the European Commission on the future Strategic Guidelines for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture.

“In 2009, the Commission published A new impetus for the Strategy for the Sustainable Development of
European Aquaculture as a follow up to the EU aquaculture strategy of 2002. The Commission concluded that
EU aquaculture had not grown since 2002, and the 2009 communication aimed “to identify and address the
causes of this stagnation”. The communication pointed to key challenges. In 2013, the Commission published
their Strategic Guidelines for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture. The Commission concluded
again that EU aquaculture production was stagnating and addressed four priority areas to unlock the
potential of EU aquaculture. The European Parliament, in 2018, published an own-initiative report Towards
a sustainable and competitive European aquaculture sector. This report states that EU aquaculture is
stagnating and that the strategic guidelines “were not a match for the sector’s expectations”. The report
points to many challenges. In 2020, the Commission will draft new guidelines for the sustainable
development of aquaculture in line with the Member states’ update of their national strategic plans.”

The recommendation report can be downloaded from their website here.