Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) recommendations for sustainable development of EU aquaculture
The AAC gave a second recommendation to the European Commission on the future Strategic Guidelines for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture.
“In 2009, the Commission published A new impetus for the Strategy for the Sustainable Development of
European Aquaculture as a follow up to the EU aquaculture strategy of 2002. The Commission concluded that
EU aquaculture had not grown since 2002, and the 2009 communication aimed “to identify and address the
causes of this stagnation”. The communication pointed to key challenges. In 2013, the Commission published
their Strategic Guidelines for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture. The Commission concluded
again that EU aquaculture production was stagnating and addressed four priority areas to unlock the
potential of EU aquaculture. The European Parliament, in 2018, published an own-initiative report Towards
a sustainable and competitive European aquaculture sector. This report states that EU aquaculture is
stagnating and that the strategic guidelines “were not a match for the sector’s expectations”. The report
points to many challenges. In 2020, the Commission will draft new guidelines for the sustainable
development of aquaculture in line with the Member states’ update of their national strategic plans.”
The recommendation report can be downloaded from their website here.