Swansea University Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research
Wallace Stores, Singleton Park SA2 8PP – Swansea
Tlf: +44(0) 1792 29 53 83
Web: www.swansea.ac.uk
Wallace Stores, Singleton Park SA2 8PP – Swansea
Tlf: +44(0) 1792 29 53 83
Web: www.swansea.ac.uk
Dr Sara Barrento is a marine biologist, science communicator, and educator. She is currently science communication and stakeholder’s engagement manager at the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research. Previously, Sara has undertaken research on crustaceans and the sustainable aquaculture of mussels and seaweeds as well as authoring 20 scientific papers. In addition, Sara has supported the delivery and management of five large European Research projects and RC-UK projects. An experienced lecturer, Sara has lectured in Europe, Thailand and Gibraltar on a range of subjects and at present is teaching aquaculture at Swansea University.
Consultancy expertise in knowledge exchange in aquaculture, evaluation of international research projects, capacity building of educators and speaker coaching.
Interests: sustainable seafood systems (aquaculture of seaweeds and filter feeders); tourism; communication and education – science communication, storytelling, travel writing.
Email address: s.i.barrento@swansea.ac.uk
Telephone: 44(01792) 295844
Professional social network : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarabarrento/
The Managing Authority of #Interreg #AtlanticArea is participating at the 2nd Steering Committee of the @EUAtlantic in #Lisbon under the Portuguese Presidency @DGPM_Portugal 🌊
Our programme is committed to build strong synergies with the #AtlanticStrategy 🇪🇺
The Managing Authority of #Interreg #AtlanticArea is participating at the 2nd Steering Committee of the @EUAtlantic in #Lisbon under the Portuguese Presidency @DGPM_Portugal 🌊
Our programme is committed to build strong synergies with the #AtlanticStrategy 🇪🇺