Ocean Hackathon 2021 – Call for Challenges (Cádiz- Spain) – Deadline 13/6/2021

You have a simple idea coming from a need of sea users?
You have a more mature project that needs a boost or special expertise?


Develop useful and innovative technology-based artefact that address real-life problems and find solutions for a more sustainable ocean.

Submit your challenge as a physical or legal person in one of the 18 cities organising the event.

In Cadiz, the 2021 Edition is dediated to Marine Cultivation and Aquaculture and organized in the framework of “Access2sea”.





Deadline 13 June 2021


Once your challenge accepted, participate to the 6th edition of Ocean Hackathon® from 5th to 7th November 2021 and perhaps be chosen to represent your city during the Grand Finale in December 2021.

Ocean Hackathon® is a unique opportunity to:

• work in team with people of different disciplines in a studious but relaxed atmosphere
• experience an idea around the sea
• access to a variety of marine data
• be helped by coaches with different expertises (data science, IT, marine science, business, etc.)
• join local and international communities interested in data and ocean.


More information: http://ceeicadiz.com/ocean-hackathon-2021/


A European project to promote new recycling methods in the fishing industry

INDIGO is an Interreg European project that brings together 10 partners between France and UK to develop biodegradable fishing net and to improve the recycling of fishing gear.

“The main expected result is to develop a prototype fishing gear that is resistant and biodegradable in the marine environment. Professionals from the fishing and aquaculture sectors have been involved in the project from the beginning to ensure that the new products meet their needs and that they can then use them. The aim is also to influence new regulations.”

INdIGO aims to cover the entire fishing gear production chain, from formulation, filaments manufacturing, to prototype net development. The deployment of the net at sea, durability tests and technical and economic analysis are also planned. Finally, a life-cycle analysis will be completed to avoid pollution transfer.
As part of the project, a mobile application to locate fishing gears that have already been lost has been developed and is available on the website of the project.

To get more information about the project: http://indigo-interregproject.eu/en/

Application of sensors in precision aquaculture: webinar overview

Hosted by Swansea University’s Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR) in collaboration with the Waterford Institute of Technology on the 25th of May 2021, the webinar had 11 speakers presenting to an audience of over 150 participants from 33 countries.   Below is an overview of all talks which can be downloaded. The full webinar can be watched on YouTube.

Dr Sara Barrento, marine biologist and science communicator at CSAR, introduced the topic and noted that the motivation behind precision aquaculture relates to developments in real-time sensor technologies, linked to the need for sustainable management when farms are getting bigger, moving further offshore, and aiming towards restorative aquaculture.




Dr Barrento also presented the Access2Sea project pilot case study on lumpfish welfare. The CSAR team is developing The Lumpfish Welfare Watcher a web-based application that will calculate the BMI (body mass index) of lumpfish and determine the proportion of fish that are emaciated, underweight, and normal, along with recommendations for action. The application will also calculate the Lumpfish Operational Welfare Score Index (LOWSI) based on four visual indicators (skin damage, eye condition, caudal fin damage and suction disc deformities), and the relative weight.

Prof. Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, director of the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research, Swansea University, introduced the STREAM project: Sensor Technologies for Remote Environmental Aquatic Monitoring. The project aims to monitor the Coastal and Estuarine environment around both Ireland and Wales using affordable sensors to support local coastal activities including aquaculture.



Dr Sofia Teixeira of Tyndall Institute in Ireland presented smart sensors for wellness and health in aquaculture. These sensors are non-invasive and provide rapid tests to monitor health by measuring indicators, such as cortisol and other parameters, that have wide applications in the assessment of immune competence, stress, growth, and behaviour.




Prof. David Gethin, of the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating (WCPC), Swansea University, gave a brief overview of commercial sensors and highlighted the benefits of printable sensors – they are less expensive and can measure a range of parameters in an integrated system. But printable sensors need to be calibrated against laboratory and commercial devices, and their durability still needs to be tested and improved. Prof. Gethin also provided an overview of printing methods and sensors being developed in the STREAM project.


Brian O’Loan, of Bord lascaigh Mhara, gave an informative talk focusing on shellfish aquaculture and sensor deployment in the South East of Ireland. He started by pointing out the value of the shellfish aquaculture in this region and the impacts of Covid-19. The talk carried on with data from several projects showing multiple monitoring sensors deployed across three bays. Mr O’Loan concluded by pointing out that the shellfish industry needs more monitoring to protect shellfish, real-time data with notifications, and cheaper sensors capable of monitoring new parameters over greater areas.

Paul Shanahan, of the National Maritime College of Ireland, highlighted the advantages of the radar system to provide accurate local weather information which can be disseminated to social media. He explained the type of radar used, its main operating characteristics, and the location of the deployment sites in Ireland. In 2022 it is expected a radar system to be deployed in Swansea, Wales.



Paul Howes, Manager of the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research, focused on the unique facilities and projects taking place in CSAR, using a variety of species from microalgae to fish, and topics such as aquaponics and aqua biotech. Dr Pete Jones focused on experimental lab work using sensors to determining preference and avoidance thresholds for marine organisms. Dr Josh Jones focused on the mapping opportunities and challenges for aquaculture and fisheries, using relevant data from sensors.


Gyopar Elekes, of faptic.xyz, focused on the use of machine vision technology that can access lumpfish clinging behaviour. The technology uses underwater cameras to record stereoscopic images, the AI and deep learning algorithms allow collecting key data which will then inform on the number of fish, define thresholds for fish density and, in the case of lumpfish, access the proportion of fish clinging and swimming.



Christian Berger, of PEBL – Plant Ecology Beyond Land, focused on the importance of monitoring low trophic sea farms: the data can be used to inform on the ideal location of new aquaculture sites, create optimized harvest schedules, provide early warning and troubleshooting and validate sustainable objectives (carbon, nitrogen, biodiversity). He presented the SeaLens: a low-cost sea farm monitoring tool and a case study on a proposed seaweed and shellfish farm in Skye.


Application of sensors in precision aquaculture: presentation available to download

Over 150 participants attended the webinar on the Application of sensors in precision aquaculture, on the 25th of May, 2021. The presentations are now available to download.

  1. Setting the stage: what is precision aquaculture?
    Dr Sara Barrento, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR), Swansea University
  2. Access2Sea: New Opportunities for More Competitive and Sustainable Blue Growth in the Atlantic Zone
    Dr Sara Barrento, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR), Swansea University
  3. STREAM: Sensor Technologies for Remote Environmental Aquatic Monitoring
    Prof. Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR), Swansea University
  4. Application of sensors for fish health and welfare in aquaculture
    Dr Sofia Teixeira, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
  5. Overview of Printable Sensors
    Prof. David Gethin, The Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating (WCPC), Swansea University
  6. Shellfish Aquaculture and Sensor Deployment in the Southeast of Ireland
    Brian O’Loan, Bord Iascaigh Mhara
  7. Coastal Monitoring Radar
    Paul Shanahan, National Maritime College of Ireland
  8. Aquaculture at the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research using sensors
    Paul Howes, Dr Pete Jones, and Dr Josh Jones, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research, Swansea University
  9. Reverse engineering a machine vision solution for aquaculture
    Gyopár Elekes, faptic.xyz
  10. SeaLens technology to monitor 3D aquaculture in Wales
    Christian Berger, PEBL- Plant Ecology Beyond Land

Extracto de la Orden de 6 de mayo de 2021, por la que se convocan para el año 2021 las ayudas previstas en el Decreto-ley 23/2020, de 15 de septiembre, por el que, con carácter extraordinario y urgente, se establecen medidas en materia educativa y de apoyo al sector de la acuicultura de Andalucía, ante la situación generada por el coronavirus (COVID-19).

Se convocan para el año 2021, las ayudas destinadas al sector de la acuicultura para compensar las pérdidas económicas producidas por la reducción de las ventas de productos acuícolas debido al brote de COVID-19 reguladas en el Decreto-ley 23/2020, de 15 de septiembre, por el que, con carácter extraordinario y urgente, se establecen
medidas en materia educativa y de apoyo al sector de la acuicultura de Andalucía, ante la situación generada por el coronavirus (COVID-19), modificado por el Decreto-ley 2/2021, de 2 de febrero, en la cuantía total máxima que se especifica y con arreglo a los créditos presupuestarios que asimismo se indican:

Línea de ayuda: Compensación a empresas productivas acuicultura

Cuantía máxima (€) 2020: 685.344,26 euros.

Partida presupuestaria: 1300120000G/71P/47300/00_G1320242G6


Las personas físicas o jurídicas así como las agrupaciones identificadas en el artículo 11.3 de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones, que se hayan visto especialmente afectadas por la declaración del estado de alarma para la gestión de la situación de crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el COVID-19.

La finalidad es paliar los efectos de impacto económico negativo que dicha crisis sanitaria ha provocado en su actividad, con el fin de ayudas a sostener la continuidad de su empresa o negocio, evitando el cese definitivo del mismo y, por tanto, la destrucción de empleo.

La dotación de esta línea de ayuda se hace en el cuadro que se recoge en el apartado primero de este extracto.

Plazo de presentación de solicitudes:
El plazo para la presentación de las solicitudes de ayuda será de 10 días a contar desde el día siguiente al que se publique en el Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía el extracto previsto en el artículo 20.8.a) de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones.
