Application of sensors in precision aquaculture: presentation available to download
Over 150 participants attended the webinar on the Application of sensors in precision aquaculture, on the 25th of May, 2021. The presentations are now available to download.
- Setting the stage: what is precision aquaculture?
Dr Sara Barrento, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR), Swansea University - Access2Sea: New Opportunities for More Competitive and Sustainable Blue Growth in the Atlantic Zone
Dr Sara Barrento, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR), Swansea University - STREAM: Sensor Technologies for Remote Environmental Aquatic Monitoring
Prof. Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR), Swansea University - Application of sensors for fish health and welfare in aquaculture
Dr Sofia Teixeira, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland - Overview of Printable Sensors
Prof. David Gethin, The Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating (WCPC), Swansea University - Shellfish Aquaculture and Sensor Deployment in the Southeast of Ireland
Brian O’Loan, Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Coastal Monitoring Radar
Paul Shanahan, National Maritime College of Ireland - Aquaculture at the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research using sensors
Paul Howes, Dr Pete Jones, and Dr Josh Jones, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research, Swansea University - Reverse engineering a machine vision solution for aquaculture
Gyopár Elekes, - SeaLens technology to monitor 3D aquaculture in Wales
Christian Berger, PEBL- Plant Ecology Beyond Land